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Category: Board Wargames
Showing 31–60 of 155 results
Blitzkrieg In The South – East Front Battles Series #1 (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartDIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY 3W (World Wide Wargames) – Blitzkrieg In The South – East Front Battles Series #1 Blitzkrieg in the South is the first in the East Front Battles series, a series which will cover the whole of the Russo-German front in World War II. Ground Scale is 5 miles to the hex, turns …
Blitzkrieg In The South – East Front Battles Series #1 (3W – World Wide Wargames)Read More
Blood and Iron (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartGame of the Franco-Prussian War of 1869-1871 that resulted in the birth of Germany. Moderate complexity. Very historically accurate.
Breakout : Normandy (Avalon Hill 1992 Edition)
$5.00Add to cartBreakout: Normandy is a complex two-player wargame on the Allied invasion of France in World War 2. The game concentrates on the initial landings and the subsequent breakout attempts.
Campaign for Guadalcanal: Long Lance (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartLong Lance is a two player game simulating the vicious naval engagement of Guadalcanal Island in 1942.
Campaigns of the Civil War : Vicksburg and Chancellorsville (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartCampaigns of the Civil War : Vicksburg and Chancellorsville is a wargame that simulates two critical events of the American Civil War through a game system with a map divided into strategic squares.
Carrier Battles: The Struggle for Guadalcanal (RSS – Rising Sun Simulations)
$5.00Add to cartCarrier Battles, and its companion game, The Iron Samurai, are historical simulations of battles fought between air and surface forces of the Japanese and Allied fleets in the South Pacific during World War II.
Carrier: The Southwest Pacific Campaign – 1942-1943
$5.00Add to cartCarrier is a solitaire simulation of both historical and hypothetical carrier battles in the Southwest Pacific Theatre during the hotly-contested naval campaigns of 1942 and 1943.
Chickamauga : The Confederacy’s Last Hope (1986)
$5.00Add to cartChickamauga is a brigade-level simulation of the battle of September 19-20th, 1863 along Chickamauga Creek. The actual battle was a confused melee in which each army went into action piecemeal.
Cold War
$5.00Add to cartDIGITAL DOWNLOAD A game for four players, Cold War gives you command of the economic, military, and intelligence forces of one of the contemporary world’s major powers, and dares you to seize political, military, and economic control of as much of the world as possible. The only obstacles in your way are your three opponents, each of …
Commando Actions : A Game of Tactical Level Combat in WWII
$5.00Add to cartCommando Actions is a turn based hex and counter small unit level simulation of commando actions or raids during WWII.
Condottieri (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartGame Only – No magazine included
Condottieri was the game in issue #54 of The Wargamer Magazine.
Crossbows & Cannon I – Renaissance Battled Quad Game (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartThis standalone wargame utilizes the game system as 3W’s ‘Royalists and Roundheads’. The wargame features a command system intended to simulate the problems of command during the Renaissance where leaders are rated for command, initiative and combat.
Crossbows & Cannon II – Quad Game (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartThis standalone wargame utilises the game system as its predecessor “Crossbows and Cannon” and “Royalists and Roundheads”.
Crusades II (3W – World Wide Wargames)
$5.00Add to cartCrusades II covers a wide variety of battles from the 12th to the 15th centuries: Hab, Hattin, Nicopolis, and Tannenberg.
Dark December (OSG – Operational Studies Group)
$5.00Add to cartDark December is an operational / grand tactical level simulation of the operations known to the Americans as The Battle of the Bulge.
Dark Nebula (GDW)
$5.00Add to cartOne of GDW’s Series 120 games, a line of introductory wargames spanning various historical eras.
Dead of Winter : The Battle of Stones River (SDI, 1989)
$5.00Add to cartA detailed tactical wargame simulation of the Battle of Stones River, December 31, 1862–January 2, 1863.
Dune Collection including Spice Harvest and The Duel
$5.00Add to cartSet thousands of years in the future, Dune the boardgame is based on the Frank Herbert’s novels about an arid planet at the heart of the human space empire’s political machinations.
Fast Attack Boats: A Game of the Arab-Israeli Naval War 1973
$5.00Add to cartFast Attack Boats: A Game of the Arab-Israeli Naval War 1973 is a hex and counter wargame covering the flavor of naval actions during the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973.
Fifth Frontier War (GDW 1981)
$5.00Add to cartA basic hex-and-counter wargame set in the Spinward Marches of the Traveller RPG universe.
Flat Top
$5.00Add to cart“Flat Top” is a board wargame of high complexity that covers the battles of the Solomon Seas between the United States and Japan in 1942. It is very well researched and covers all aspects of naval and air combat as it existed in 1942.
Fortress Europa (Avalon Hill)
$5.00Add to cartFortress Europa recreates the Allied campaign in Western Europe from D-Day to March 1945
France 1944 : The Allied Crusade in Europe (Victory Games)
$5.00Add to cartFrance 1944 simulates the liberation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands during the Allied drive on Germany from July 1944 through March 1945.