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Complete collection of Campaigns Magazine – All issues #1 – #49 (Marengo Publications)
Campaigns Magazine Issue 1
- Carabiniers of the First Empire
- The Technique of Water Color – The conversion of black and white prints into full –color prints.
- The Arrival of the Mamelukes in Paris – An account of the excitement generated among Parisians by the arrival of Napoleon’s desert warriors.
- David Fordham – A revealing look at one of the world’s finest miniaturists.
- “I Desire but You” – Within a year, Bonaparte achieved three of his major goals.
- Powergame – How an enterprising American film maker incorporated miniatures, board games and military costuming to resolve a number of production problems.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 2
- Realism in Miniature – How to inject the essence of reality into miniatures.
- Beginning in Oils – Explaining the first steps in oil painting.
- Terror on the Monogahela – In their first encounter with the American Indians, Gen. Braddock’s regulars panicked and fled.
- Presenting the Less –than-a-week Diorama – A marvelous shortcut to diorama building.
- The 17thChasseurs a Pied – A brief history of a valorous French unit.
- “Nach Paris!” – The War of 1870 ended Napoleon III’s dreams of gloire.
- Eclecticism in Monaco – A police commissioner in Monaco has created a unique collection drawn from sources throughout the world.
- Paper Soldiers of the Past and Present – The rebirth of an ancient soldier form.
- New Life for the Desert War – A report on a new modeling concept.
- You Do What With Toy Soldiers? – An introduction to wargaming.
- The Creation of a Vignette – The making of a commercial scene.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 3
- Report from Kulmbach – One of the finest painters of flats reports on the recent meeting at Kulmbach and describes his technique for painting flats.
- The Cameron Highlanders – A study of this famous regiment’s days at Waterloo and the uniforms it wore.
- Edward Suren – The work of an exceptional creator of military miniatures.
- The Death of the Light Brigade – In one of the best-known charges in history, the British Light Brigade was destroyed at Balaklava.
- The Birth of the Blues – The story of the beginning of the United States Navy.
- The Japanese Soldier of WW II – One of the strongest fighting forces in the world was underestimated by all its foes.
- The Forbes Magazine Collection – The story of an extraordinary collection of French military art.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 4
- The Zieten Hussars – Under the command of crusty Joachim von Zieten, Frederick the Great’s hussars became one of Europe’s finest light cavalry corps.
- The Work of Ray Anderson – A study of the superb work of one of Southern California’s finest miniaturists.
- How to Paint the Horses of the Plains – An explanation of the symbols painted by American Indians on their horses.
- “Lay Down Your Arms, You Damned Rebels!” – The first blood in the American Revolution was spilled at Lexington as a result of the British regulars dispersal of an armed band of Minutemen.
- Scale Modeling the Desert War – How to customize armored vehicles for modeling the North African campaigns.
- Waterloo: Preservations or Destruction? – The historic battlefield fights against encroaching housing developments and highway construction.
- Bill Hearne – An exceptional talent turns his artistry to the production of model kits.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 5
- The Hussar Regiments of Frederick the Great – In the concluding part of the study of Frederick’s hussars the dress and equipment of the line and free corps regiments are detailed.
- The Work of Pierre Conrad – Pierre Conrad, one of the world’s leading miniaturists, describes his working techniques.
- The 25th Regiment of the Foot in Minorca – New light is shed on the early dress of the British 25thRegiment.
- The Helmets of the Prussian Kurassiers – In a study which first appeared in Gazette de uniformes, Alain Dutoya traces the development of the Kurassier helmet from its beginning to its decline during the First World War.
- Campaigns’ Instant-translation painting guide – How to paint, in three different languages.
- Camera Techniques in Museums – How to photograph uniforms and equipment in military museums
Campaigns Magazine Issue 6
- Spoils of the Conqueror – Campaigns’ European Editor’s step-by-step description of his monumental undertaking of a boxed diorama containing sixty-five figures.
- How to Construct a Portable Pyrogravure – Making your own valuable adjunct to plastic modeling.
- Creating Medieval Armor – Two men, on opposite sides of the Atlantic, and how they recreate knights’ armor – one with metal, the other in plastic.
- Painting Skin Tones in Oil Paint – Eleven variations on flesh colors and how to achieve them.
- Felt Markers and How to Use Them – Converting black and white prints to color with a versatile medium that anyone can use.
- Closing the Gap – Two wargamers discuss the coming together of board and miniatures wargaming.
- The Work of Russell Gammage – A study of Rose Miniatures and the man who created them.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 7
- A Medieval Diorama – There’s more to a diorama than painting a group of figures, as the author reveals in his step-by-step planning of the execution of a boxed diorama.
- The Defense at Isandlawana – The 24thFoot’s stand at Isandlawana was followed by the defense of Rorke’s Drift, the subject of a diorama by New York miniaturist Joel Banow.
- Painting With Acrylics – the author describes his techniques for painting miniatures with fast-drying water-soluble acrylic paint.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 8
- How to Make Tanks From Trash – The author describes the ingenious technique of building vehicles from discarded cigarette packets and scraps of Bristol, plastic, and other such throw-aways.
- The Work of Cliff Sanderson – A study of one of the times most prominent miniaturists.
- The 10th Regiment of Foot – The British 10thRegiment of Foot of the Revolutionary War era lives again, thanks to the unwavering efforts of a dedicated American.
- Les Zouaves – The story of one of France’s most famous and colorful units.
- Anatomy for Modelers – If your favorite casting’s arms are too short – or legs too long- here’s how to fix them.
- The Big Con – The latest craze sweeping Great Britain was converting 1/12 scale figures into anything a modeler’s heart desired.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 9
- Paper Veteran – Continuing research has uncovered additional information on the uniforms of the musicians of the Imperial Guard.
- What Does the Viewer Teach? Learning from the viewer can help achieve maximum effectiveness in groupings of flats.
- USS Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere – America’s naval victory in 1812 bolstered the fledgling country’s morale.
- Clothespin Soldiers – An enterprising miniaturist evolves a unique technique.
- Painting Metallics in Oil Paint – An alternative to metallic enamels.
- The Portuguese Legion – The uniforms of the Portuguese Legion.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 10
- The Work of Sheperd Paine – One of America’s fines and most popular miniaturists is featured.
- Daniel Abbott – The life of a cavalryman during the English Civil War, recounted by one of the world’s most esteemed historians.
- Eugene Leliepvre – A study of a master military artist/historian/miniaturist.
- War Gaming Can Be Fun – There’s more to it than throwing dice and pushing markers around.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 11
- The Armored Cars of the Desert Campaign – The armored cars that played a vital part in the North African actions have received scant attention from model manufacturers. The author describes how to build models of these unique vehicles.
- The Death’s Head Hussars – The first of a two-part story on this legendary unit of military history.
- The Work of Peter Wilcox – Wilcox’s specialization in ancient military subjects has won him international recognition.
- The Man of 1812 – A detailed study of the dress of Napoleon’s chevau-leger lanciers, by one of France’s renowned historians and military artists.
- Realism Made Easy – How to make a complicated street setting with a minimum of effort.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 12
- Staging Model Soldiers – The positioning of miniatures within a scene is all-important to the visual success of a vignette’s effectiveness. Unfortunately, this key aspect is more often than not misunderstood or overlooked.
- The Death’s Head Hussars – In the conclusion of a two-part article, the history and uniforms of this legendary unit is traced through the Napoleonic Wars.
- Badajoz – One of the world’s foremost historians describes the brutal assault on the Spanish fortress and the atrocities that followed its fall, events of such cruelty and violence as to move the Duke of Wellington to tears.
- Phantasmagoria – New directions in miniatures, geared to the wildest imaginings.
- The Work of Leon Hames – the porcelain-like miniatures of this Belgian miniaturist have won a following throughout the world.
- The Gun Deck of HMS Victory – The background to Sheperd Paine’s award-winning diorama.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 13
- The First Battalion of Pennsylvania Loyalists – A study of a little known battalion of Americans who remained loyal to their king.
- Staging Model soldiers – In the conclusion of a two-part article, the author describes the final, vital steps to achieve successful presentation of miniatures.
- The British Hussar Regiments at Balaclava – The hussars of the Light Brigade furnish the inspiration for a new 90mm miniature.
- The Work of Michael Thomas – One of Britain’s foremost miniaturists describes his working technique.
- Getting Down to Basics – There may be nothing new about basic nude figures themselves but having clothing patterns to go with them…now that’s a different story.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 14
- Back to Nature – Bases for miniatures needn’t be only wood and putty. Here’s how to draw on natural objects for the ultimate realism.
- The Raoul an Jean Brunon Collection – One of Campaigns’ contributing editors describes a world famous collection of uniforms and weapons.
- The Life and Death of Charles Lasalle – The story of one of Napoleon’s most colorful and dashing cavalry commanders.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 15
- Friedland, 1807 – Inspired by Meissonier’s epic painting in the Forbes Magazine Collection, reproduced in the first issue of Campaigns, the author describes the making of his dimensional recreation.
- Russian Sutleress, c. 1814 – An interesting subject for miniaturists looking for colorful material.
- Making Brass Nameplates – How to add an elegant and professional looking finishing touch to miniatures at a minimum cost.
- Building Character – One of America’s renowned miniaturists describes his method of imparting life like qualities to figures and settings.
- The Military Art of Lucien Rousselot – A study of an acknowledged master of French military iconography and the brilliant work he has created.
- The Work of David Hunter – One of Britain’s master miniaturists and his work.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 16
- Total Realism in Model Making – The techniques of professional model makers and how they can improve your own models.
- Modeling Water – How to create successful water effects.
- Making Portable Wargame Boards – A solution to problems of space.
- The Uniforms of the Continental Army – What George Washington’s troops wore and carried.
- Australia’s Wild Colonial Boys – Villains to some, popular folk heroes to others, Australia’s bushrangers were a tough and colorful lot.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 17
- The Greek Light Infantry – Created originally to garrison the islands of Zante, Cephalonia, Carigo, and Ithaca, the two Greek light infantry regiments were among the most colorful in British service.
- Building an Index File – An approach to creating an orderly reference collection.
- The Work of Michael Tapavica – A study of one of Southern California’s miniaturists.
- The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders – The story of Great Britain’s illustrious 93rdRegiment.
- Collecting Prints – Once virtually the only source of uniform information, prints are still a fascinating adjunct to military miniatures.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 18
- The Work of Henri Lion – One of America’s Grand Masters – the philosophy and working methods behind his outstanding miniatures.
- The Story of Brown Bess – a world famous authority on firearms writes on The Gun That Won an Empire.
- The Military Art of Rigo – Member of La Sabretache, Painter to the French Army, editor and publisher of Le Plumet plate series, Rigo’s name has become synonomous with accuracy.
- The Battle of Rocroi – A fascinating study of a see-saw battle, new grist for wargamers and miniaturists.
- The Zouaves of the American Civil War – In adapting the dress of the Algerian Zouave Corps, Colonel Ellsworth and his zouaves inspired militia units throughout the North and South.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 19
- Stuart on Guadalcanal – The testing ground for American armor in WW II came in Guadalcanal’s steaming jungles and flat, grassy plains.
- The Work of Ron Tunison – A study of the extraordinary craftsmanship of a New York photographer-miniaturist.
- Napoleon’s Cuirassiers – The regiments of the French heavy cavalry were the shock troops of the First Empire. Arrogant, tough, and proud, they fought from Spain to Russia, serving their emperor with unyielding loyalty right up to their end in the muddy field at Waterloo.
- The Making a La Cours des Miracles – How a French miniaturist, drawing on a colorful, though unsavory, aspect of early French society, created an awarding-winning boxed diorama.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 20
- Saint George and the Dragon – The little known story of the legendary patron saint of military men furnished the stimulus for a distinctive vignette.
- Hector Vaughan and his Forty Marines – The trials and tribulations of forty British Marines in America in 1744.
- Getting Your Miniatures From Here to There – A simple and direct solution to the problem all collectors dread.
- Medieval Shafted Small Arms – A study of the numerous shafted weapons that played a prominent part in medieval warfare.
- The Work of Brian Rodden – Though few in number, Brian Rodden’s outstanding miniatures are among the most unique ever produced.
- The Chinese Expeditionary Force in Burma – The uniforms of one of WW II most overlooked armies.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 21
- With Broadaxe and Musket – A study of the wooden fortifications built in America by the early French and British settlers and a step-by-step description of the creation of an award-winning vignette.
- The Military Art of Edouard Detaille – Edouard Detaille was one of France’s greatest military artists. Campaigns’ European editor recounts the story of his life and the extraordinary legacy he left.
- The Karrer/Hallwyl Swiss Regiment – The story of a colonial corps in France’s 18thcentury American empire.
- The Uniforms of the British Army – A concise summary of the uniforms of the British line regiments in America during the Revolution.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 22
- The Uniforms of George Custer – American military history contains numerous controversial figures. Here, a study of the flamboyant dress of the man who was a martyred hero to some, a cold blooded killer to others.
- The Scythians – An historical account of the migratory tribes whose name has become synonomous with any group of steppe horse-nomads.
- Cavalry of the Republican Guard – The history of the Republican Guard of Paris goes back nearly two hundred years, its purpose being to guard the French capital. The author, a retired member, describes the Guard’s organization and contemporary dress.
- The Work of Jean Josseau – The well known Painter to the French Army writes on the artistry of an outstanding Parisian miniaturist.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 23
- The Golden Eagle Tavern – A step-by-step description of the creation of a prize-winning boxed diorama utilizing stock miniatures.
- The Roman Amazons –The historical background to a unique scratchbuilt miniature and how it was made.
- The Zulu Army – a study of the highly organized army of the Zulu nation and its weapons and dress.
- Brass Before and Brass Behind – The story of the British 28thRegiment at Waterloo and its uniforms.
- Assault of the Hindenburg Line – WW I enthusiast stage a recreation.
- Uniforms of the AEF – What the American army wore in the First World War.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 24
- The First Virginia Regiment – The story of one of colonial America’s regiments and its contemporary recreation.
- Prussian Infantry Colors – In the first part of a two part article, the author describes the colors of the early Prussian infantry, bringing to light much information previously available only to German-reading scholars.
- French Troops in Canada – As the subject of French troops of the 1700s gains more and more popularity, a twenty-year old plate series takes on more importance.
- Russian Foot Artillery of the Guard – A concise description of the Czar’s Guard Artillery of 1812.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 25
- When GMC Meant Gun Motor Carriage – When WW II began, the U.S. Army began casting about for an effective anti-tank weapon. The result was the M3 GMC, a vehicle that filled the gap in America’s hastily assembled arsenal.
- Prussian Infantry Colors – In the conclusion of a two part series, the author traces the evolution of Prussian colors from the era of Frederick the Great to the Napoleonic Wars.
- The Work of Caesar Milani – The story of a former Italian Air Force officer and his unique miniatures.
- Austro-Hungarian General Officers – Documenting the “German” uniforms worn by the general officers of the Austro-Hungarian army at the time of the First World War.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 26
- Modeling Two Rebels and Royalist – How three miniatures representing men of the English Civil War were made.
- Skin Colors in Oil Paing – Suggestions for overcoming on of oil painting’s frustrating bugaboos.
- Uniforms of the Italian Colonial Army – Details of the African colonial army of the Kingdom of Italy, tested in combat during the war in Ethiopia, are little known and poorly documented. The author, attached to the Italian General Staff’s historical division, describes the organization and colorful dress of Mussolini’s native forces.
- The Royal Artillery, 1861 – The dress of the British artillery units after the reorganization of 1859-61.
- Sculpt Your Own Figures – Here’s one approach to making your own figure.
- The Work of Peter Twist – A profile of a Canadian miniaturist and his artistry.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 27
- Modeling an Indian Tipi – Though American Indian subjects gain in popularity, their tipis are rarely represented. The author describes how to make a model tipi for use in hunting or encampment dioramas.
- Le Mans, 1944 – The creation of a WW II diorama.
- The Italian Army in Africa – A study of the uniforms of the Italian army at the time of the Ethiopian campaign.
- The Work of Therese Letoublon – The miniatures of a French woman miniaturist, one of the few in a hobby dominated by men.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 28
- The Battle of Issos – A study of the epic battle in which Alexander the Great defeated his Persian enemies.
- The Work of George Stuart – After moving to California, a lecturer/historian turned to the creation of models of historical personages. The results are astonishingly lifelike.
- Virginia’s Revolutionary War Cavalry – Documentation of the uniforms of the light dragoons of Virginia’s cavalry.
- The Story of Fort Meigs – After a long period of deterioration, this historic fort of the War of 1812 has been revitalized.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 29
- The Work of Jean Claude Colrat – An analysis of the miniatures of a French modeler.
- Further Notes on the Royal Artillery – One of England’s leading uniformologists adds additional information to a recent Campaigns article.
- Georgia’s Rangers – The history and dress of a little known early American military unit.
- The Battle of the Bulge – American uniforms during Hitler’s final bid for victory.
- Veliti of the Italian Royal Guard – The uniforms of a colorful Napoleonic unit.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 30
- Uniforms of the Brazilian Army – A compact overview of a little known subject.
- Forging a Head – Sculptor Ron Hinote is highly regarded for the quality of his sculpting. The author describes Hinote’s technique for heads, then tries it himself.
- Prussian Cavalry Standards – A study of the standards carried by the early Prussian cavalry.
- How to Paint A Dapple-gray – A technique for painting these attractive horses realistically.
- The Campaign in Saint Domingue – A short history of Napoleon’s ill-fated Caribbean expedition and the uniforms of the men who took part in it.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 31
- The Martyrdom of Thomas Becket – More than 800 years after Becket’s death, a scratchbuilt boxed diorama-and a commercially available multi-figure vignette-record the famous murder in the cathedral.
- Prussian Cavalry Standards – The conclusion of a two-part study tracing the history of the standards of Prussian cavalry.
- The Military Art of Gerry Embleton – The editor of Osprey’s “Men-at-Arms” series profiles one of the world’s best known military artists.
- The British Army of the 1750’s – Life was anything but easy in the early British army.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 32
- Indian Cavalry Units – A concise study of two Indian cavalry units, one of which has been the subject of a 90mm miniature release.
- The Birmingham Loyal Association – The story of an English militia company, from its formation to its disbandment.
- The Musee de l’Armee in Paris – The story of one of the world’s great military museums.
- The Forgotten Legion – Documenting the hard-fighting-and long-overlooked-Belgian legion in Mexico
Campaigns Magazine Issue 33
- The Baker Rifle – The development of Ezekial Baker’s rifle and its use by the British army.
- Painting Flats – A skilled German artist describes his techniques for painting flats.
- Kellermann at Marengo – A renowned military historian and author of numerous books on military subjects reveals, for the first time, details about one of Napoleon’s greatest victories.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 34
- Recipe for a Diorama – A master dioramist describes a new approach to the creation of dioramas.
- The Development of Armor – A concise study of armor and its evolution from the tenth century.
- The History of Britains – The story of the rise of Britains from a simple beginning to the dominant name in toy soldiers.
- The Royal First Devon Yeomanry – The history of a typical early British yeomanry unit and the model its uniforms inspired.
- A Victorian Street Scene – Admiration for Georgian architecture led the author to the creation of a large diorama.
- The Continental Army – The dress of America’s first military forces.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 35
- The Italian Campaign of Napoleon III – For centuries, northern Italy has served as a battleground for armies. In 1859, the French, Austrians and Italians met in a campaign that would decide Italy’s future.
- Omens 1066 – The conceptual planning behind a vignette derived from the Bayeaux Tapestry.
- The Work of Jacques Brouillet – The unique work of an unassuming French artist with a delightful sense of whimsy.
- The 93rd Regiment in the Indian Mutiny – The 93rdHighland Regiment, fresh from the Crimean War, faced an even more deadly violent and desperate foe in India.
- The Grenadiers a Cheval of the 1700’s – The early history of one of France’s most colorful regiments.
- The Foot Guards in the revolution – The role of Britain’s elite Guard regiments in the American Revolution.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 36
- The Work of Holger Eriksson – A study of one of the pioneers of military miniatures.
- Tartans for Wargamers – A simplified painting guide to Scottish tartans.
- American Infantry Uniforms – The dress of the American army during the Mexican War.
- Chief Trumpeter, U.S. Dragoons – A description of how Airfix and Historex parts were converted in an American dragoon of the mid 1800s.
- Modeling Horse Equipment – Tips on how to achieve additional realism in mounted figures.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 37
- The Indian Cavalry Escort – A description of the uniforms worn by the representative of the Indian cavalry regiments in London for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee.
- The U. S. 7thCavalry – The dress of George A. Custer’s regiment at the time of the Indian Wars.
- The First West India Regiment – The story of a little known British line regiment comprised of black troops.
- The Work of Larry Munne – a study of the fine craftsmanship of an American miniaturist.
- Uniforms of the Viet Cong – During a tour of duty in Vietnam, the author complied first-hand documentation on the dress of the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army. His research is published here for the first time.
- The First Highland Regiment – Highlanders have always been a favorite of miniaturists. The author, a well known modeler, historian and uniformologist, describes the creation and dress of the original Highland regiment.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 38
- The Fall of Wake Atoll – Outnumbered, outgunned and with no hope of assistance, the defenders of Wake Atoll were the first American forces to face the full might of Imperial Japan in 1941.
- U.S. Civil War Cavalry – A brief description of the dress of Union cavalrymen.
- The Legend of Camerone – The mystique of the French Foreign Legion had its birth in Mexico.
- Uniforms of the Continental Army – Further notes on the dress of the first American army.
- The Work of Mike Leonard – A study of the artistry of an American miniaturist.
- Dating a Hussar – How to determine when a particular uniform was worn by Napoleon’s hussar regiments.
- The Russian Horse Guards – a concise overview of the uniforms of Russian Guard cavalry in the Napoleonic era.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 39
- The French Army at Savannah – With the Continental army facing the might of Britain’s armed forces, France sent sorely needed assistance to the Americans in their struggle for independence. The effort, however, was a costly one for the French.
- The German Armed Forces – Struggling against anti-militarism and suspicion in the wake of WWII, modern Germany’s armed forces have overcome the onus of the past while preserving distinguished traditions.
- The Andean Liberation Army – The story of the fight for freedom from Spanish domination by General San Martin and his revolutionary army.
- The 1stVirginia Cavalry – A concise overview of one of the Confederacy’s most colorful cavalry units.
- The Work of Bernard Boissard – An examination of the work and technique of a French miniaturist specializing in the creation of knights.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 40
- Techniques of Painting – Beginning a new series exploring various paints and their uses and applications.
- Modeling the U.S. Army, c. 1900 – How to make miniatures of American troops at the beginning of the 20thcentury.
- Bavarian Army Officers – A concise overview of the uniforms of Bavarian officers.
- The Work of Joe Shaw – A study of the artistry of an English miniaturist.
- The Andean Liberation Army – The conclusion of a two part story of the struggle for independence from Spain.
- The Continental Army – The conclusion of the author’s study of Continental uniforms during the American Revolutionary War.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 41
- The Work of Soren Brunoe – A study of the artistry of a leading Danish miniaturist.
- Fraser’s Advance Corps – The story of one of Burgoyne’s short lived units.
- Painting Techniques – Part Two in the application and uses of acrylics, in which making of a miniature is described.
- Starting in Metal – In an expanded version of an article that appeared in “The Rebel Sabretache,” the author explains vital – but frequently overlooked – steps in preparing metal miniatures for painting.
- The Confederate Cavalry – A brief overview of the Confederacy’s cavalry forces and their uniforms.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 42
- The U.S. Rifle Regiments – A brief study of the uniforms of American rifle regiments in 1814.
- Volunteer Uniforms – As the United States plunged into war with Mexico, American volunteer units rushed to the colors-in a variety of colorful, flamboyant and often short lived uniforms.
- Netherland Uniforms at Waterloo – Drawing on contemporary sources, the author presents a clear picture of Wellington’s Dutch/Belgian allies.
- Warriors of the Khan – A study of the dress and equipment of a subject newly fascinating to miniaturists.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 43
- Salvaging a Cavalryman – How to go about making a good miniature out of a not-so-good one.
- Assembling Metal Figures – Pre-painting techniques and finishing can make a world of difference in metal miniatures.
- Making the Banners of War – There’s nothing like standards and colors to add vitality to war game armies. Here’s a simple way to make them.
- The Work of Karen Halstrom – A profile of a Danish miniaturist and individually sculpted and dressed figures.
- The Waterloo Berline – Comprehensive notes on the coach used by Napoleon during his last battle.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 44
- 55 Tons of Destructive Power – A look at the M1 Abrams Tank of the U.S. Army.
- The Art of the Dioramas:Sheperd Paine – an examination of the qualities of Paine dioramas that classify them as works of art.
- The Marshall’s Baton – The origins and development of the ultimate sign of military power, the Field Marshall’s Baton.
- Sailors in Gray – A historical look at the Confederate Navy.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 45
- Midway – A fresh angle on the conflict that changed the history of the Modern World.
- Crete – Or why the German Airborne victory spelled the end of Hitler’s use of such forces.
- The M2/M3 – The Army’s brand new infantry fighting vehicle takes over where the M113 left off.
- Chad – A study of the historical and strategic sources of the 17 year war.
- Colonial Wars – How to use these conflicts as a basis for war games.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 46
- Radetsky’s Italian Campaign – The famous Austrian Strategist at his best against an army led by King Charles Albert of Savoy.
- The Siege of Vienna – Sobieski’s armies defeat the Turks, a legend is born and the Hadsburg monarchy safer than ever.
- XVIII Century Sailors – A thorough survey of what Iron Men wore while manning the wooden ships.
- Josiane Desfontaines – To an artist who dominated the field for so long from all of us who learned from her.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 47
- Roland at Roncevaux – The “preux” takes a beating and ends up a hero.
- Wrath of the Kolosh – Alaskan Indians massacre the Russian colony in the Americas and deal a major blow to the Russian Empire.
- Veracruz – The neighborhood bully invades Mexico by accident.
- Merkava – Zaloga examines the strengths and weaknesses of Israel’s homemade tank.
- Militaria – Prussian medals are analyzed.
- Modeling – Bob Knee Jr. on painting the figure.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 48
- Buckingham at LaRochelle – The Quick red Cardinal jumps over the lazy brown Duke
- The Russian Empire Strikes Back – These are the times that try men’s souls as Baranov sails forth with an armada and the Kolosh find the going threatening to get sticky.
- Poles Apart – Sosabowski’s airborne regiment jumps into the thick of it.
- The Loyalists – Ninety years before the American Civil War kin battles kin for the king’s sake.
- Militaria – Soviet medals are analyzed.
Campaigns Magazine Issue 49
- Banking on the Swiss – A fact-checking account of the use of Pikes and the subsequent popularity of the Swiss Infantry.
- Hats Off To The U.S. Cavalry – A major first for Campaigns with extensive color and splendid text.
- The Art of Bruce Bassett-Powell – 113 exotic uniforms of the British Empire.
- Modeling – Mrs. Cately on painting and mixing color.
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$10.00Add to cartVictory Games ‘Strike’ Collection – Includes Gulf Strike (1st Edition), Gulf Strike Desert Shield Expansion, Gulf Strike Desert Storm Expansion and Aegean Strike plus bonus Victory Insider – Gulf Strike magazine.
Silent Death Collection (I.C.E. 1995)
$10.00Add to cartSilent Death: The Next Millennium is an exciting, quick-playing, and easy-to-learn table-top game of star fighter combat set against the backdrop of a disintegrating high-tech empire in the far future.