Avalon Hill Vol 3 Classic Wargame Collection


This download includes every component for 6 classic wargames in high quality, PDF files. Games referenced are 1776, Chancellorsville, Flight Leader, Raid On St. Nazaire, Turning Point : Stalingrad and Victory Games France 1944.

Avalon Hill Classic Wargame Collection Vol 3


The Avalon Hill Game Company and Victory Games published many wargames during the golden years of wargaming.

This download includes every component for 6 classic wargames in high quality, PDF files. Games referenced are 1776, Chancellorsville, Flight Leader, Raid On St. Nazaire, Turning Point : Stalingrad and Victory Games France 1944.

Each file was captured from the original game where possible: Countersheets, charts, mapboards, rulebooks, etc. Relevant articles contained in The General Magazine, Moves, and other wargaming periodicals are also included for each game where available.

This download has everything that you need to preserve or enhance your print copy of each game by providing you a valuable, high-quality reference for lost counters, dog-eared rulebook, damaged mapboard, or missing insert. Complete component reference materials for 6 games.

Organized by game and then by component type: mapboards, counters, charts, rulebook, extras, articles.

– Scanned in high resolution from original components

– Each image was cleaned and aligned within Photoshop

– Published as a PDF file with Acrobat

– Each file with text, such as rulebooks and articles, is completely searchable

– Every file can be printed and extracted

– Each file is unlocked with no password protection

– Can be opened with Adobe Acrobat on Windows or Mac platforms

The games include everything originally included in the box ready to print and play.

The games are:

– 1776

– Chancellorsville

– Flight Leader

– Raid On St. Nazaire

– Turning Point : Stalingrad

– France 1944

A fantastic addition to any wargame collection in a convenient format.

